The Process.


Images in this portfolio were shot on either Fuji Velvia – ISO50-100, Kodak or Ilford B&W film or digital. Images with a 'D' in the reference were captured with a Nikon D800 digital camera.

To obtain the best lighting conditions for the effect I desire I’m either up very early before twilight has begun or set up an hour or so before sunset to catch the suns last rays and the twilight glow of evening. Depending on the result I’m looking to achieve, the actual stage of sunrise or sunset I photograph will vary, just a few minutes here or there can change the whole shot. Obviously during the day there is more time to play with as the light doesn’t necessarily change so dramatically, particularly on overcast days.

Recently I have also been enjoying wildlife photography and feel this is complimentary to my general enjoyment of nature photography as a whole.

There are many rules in photography but I believe one of the most important components is feeling, when composing or waiting for the right light I try to remain aware of how it makes me feel when seeing the image through the lens initially. As many photographers have said, it’s best to just get out there, take images then learn from your results, this applies from composition right through to obtaining the lighting effect you desire not to mention the editing process. There is definitely more than one way to take a photograph, the best is the way that feels right to you.

Cameras used include a Nikon N90S 35mm, Mamiya C220 (film cameras) along with a Nikon D800. As mentioned above, Fuji Velvia film and for B&W Ilford or Kodak, I’ve tried a few different films but have found these to be the best for the results I desire.

The final results in print are of a much higher standard due to the need to keep file sizes small on this website, hence what you see on this website is not a true reflection of the end result you will receive.